Junkyard Outreach
The Junkyard Outreach offers to listeners a down to earth perspective on the Scriptures with the outcasts of the church in mind. God's love extends to all who are willing to receive it and this effort is simply to share that love through short episodes discussing a variety of topics. For more episodes and info visit Junkyardoutreach.com.
Junkyard Outreach
VBV - Romans - Ch 8
In my opinion, Romans chapter 8 is one of the most important chapters in Scripture to really delve into and heed. I often emphasis walking in the Spirit because the alternative, walking in the flesh, does nothing good for the believer, their eternity or the Kingdom of God. We must live our lives obedient to the Spirit and battle the flesh moment by moment if we want to please God and be rewarded in eternity. Romans 8 reveals a lot about this battle between the flesh and the Spirit.