Junkyard Outreach
The Junkyard Outreach offers to listeners a down to earth perspective on the Scriptures with the outcasts of the church in mind. God's love extends to all who are willing to receive it and this effort is simply to share that love through short episodes discussing a variety of topics. For more episodes and info visit Junkyardoutreach.com.
404 episodes
Ep.191 - Perversity
Perversion is turning away from what is right. And when we examine our own hearts we can often see our own tendency to turn away from what’s right. But remaining in Christ and under the conviction of the Holy Spirit can steer us bac...
Season 4
Episode 191

VBV - Daniel - Ch.5
Babylon is conquered only after God sends the presiding king, Belshazzar, a haunting message which requires Daniel to interpret.
Season 4

VBV - Daniel - Ch.4
King Nebuchadnezzar tells his story of surrendering to God Most High.
Season 4

Ep.190 - Mediation of My Heart
In the Scriptures we see the heart mentioned many times and keeping our heart in a place that pleases the Lord requires faith, power from the Holy Spirit and instruction from the Word.
Season 4
Episode 190

Spanish Ep. 165 - Tristeza Piadosa
En las Escrituras vemos dos tipos de tristeza. Tristeza piadosa y tristeza mundana. Cada uno es diferente y tiene un efecto diferente en nuestro arrepentimiento.
Season 4

EP.189 - Simplicity in Christ
Believers can sometimes find themselves overwhelmed in their relationship with Jesus when things get complicated and the walls feel like they are closing in. It can feel so complicated that we question if it's even worth it. But the...
Season 4
Episode 190

VBV - Daniel - Ch.3
Daniel's three companions have their faith tested and win big.
Season 4

VBV - Daniel - Ch.2
Daniel interprets a dream of the King of Babylon when none of the wise men could.
Season 4

Ep.188 - Spiritual Stockholm Syndrome
In 1973, in Stockholm Sweden, bank robbers took several hostages in their failed robbery. What emerged from that incident was an understanding that people can become sympathetic to those doing evil and actually support them in their evil....
Season 4
Episode 188

VBV - Daniel - Ch.1
The book of Daniel is an interesting book in the Scriptures. It's argued over, rejected, accepted and can easily become a difficult book to really grasp. I am in the camp where I take the book of Daniel serious and consider it to be...
Season 4

Ep.187 - In My Right Mind
In the Scriptures we clearly see two realities. The physical and the spiritual. The physical world and all the things we can observe compared to the spiritual world which is invisible. In our natural mind we process what we kn...
Season 4
Episode 187

Spanish Ep.164 - Espiritu Santo DENTRO de mi
En muchos episodios, he animado a los oyentes a ser llenos del Espíritu Santo continuamente. Esto significa que debemos creer y recibir a Jesús. Una vez que esto sucede, el Espíritu Santo está listo para guiarnos y usarnos para el Reino y...
Season 4

Ep.186 - After Christmas
In this episode I share my own experience this Christmas and how it translated into a deep moment of worshiping the king.
Season 4

Ep.185 - The Christmas Story
When we study the Christmas story we find there are many very interesting things about the story that many have never considered. In this episode I summarize the story in chronological order and encourage listeners to tell the story this ...
Season 4
Episode 185

Ep.184 - Blessed House
A blessed home is something I always wanted but couldn't seem to really achieve. But then when Jesus revolutionized my life, we obtained it not by acting nice rather by obeying Him and His Word.
Season 4
Episode 184

Spanish Ep.163 - Josafat
Jesús dijo que Él vino a darnos vida en abundancia. Pero cuando miramos la palabra vida cuidadosamente, no significa necesariamente una vida materialista, sino una vida espiritual. Y cuando Él es nuestro Rey, y nosotros le obedecemos, pod...
Season 4

Ep.183 - Wives Submit
Many women cringe when they read God's word and discover they need to submit to their husbands. But a look into the topic reveals a few things. First a women who wants to please God will obey Him regardless of their feelings. ...
Season 4
Episode 183

VBV - Romans - Ch 16
Paul ends his letter to the Roman believers with his final greetings.
Season 4

Ep.182 - Higher Calling
One of our responsibilities in our relationship with Jesus is that we are always striving to live with a renewed mind that happens when we are truly born from above or born again in Jesus. Peter reminds us of this and if we really want to...
Season 4
Episode 182

Spanish Ep.162 - Tienes Vida?
Jesús dijo que Él vino a darnos vida en abundancia. Pero cuando miramos la palabra vida cuidadosamente, no significa necesariamente una vida materialista, sino una vida espiritual. Y cuando Él es nuestro Rey, y nosotros le obedecemos, pod...
Season 4

Ep.181 - Pursue These
When Peter understood that he was going be executed for Jesus, he wrote his second letter imploring the believers to take their relationship with Jesus serious and grow strong in Him. He instructs believers to pursue Jesus, adding things ...
Season 4
Episode 181

VBV - Romans - Ch 15
Paul is wrapping up his letter to the Romans with a promise to see them at some point as he knew he was going to Rome, by revelation, to testify to the Emperor.
Season 4

Ep.180 - Jacob's Ladder
Jacob starts out his adult life coercing his brother, Esau, out of his birthright. He then, with the help of his mom, lies to his blind father and receives the blessing of the firstborn. His parents send him away to get a wife from ...
Season 4
Episode 180