Junkyard Outreach
The Junkyard Outreach offers to listeners a down to earth perspective on the Scriptures with the outcasts of the church in mind. God's love extends to all who are willing to receive it and this effort is simply to share that love through short episodes discussing a variety of topics. For more episodes and info visit Junkyardoutreach.com.
391 episodes
Ep.185 - The Christmas Story
When we study the Christmas story we find there are many very interesting things about the story that many have never considered. In this episode I summarize the story in chronological order and encourage listeners to tell the story this ...
Season 4
Episode 185
Ep.184 - Blessed House
A blessed home is something I always wanted but couldn't seem to really achieve. But then when Jesus revolutionized my life, we obtained it not by acting nice rather by obeying Him and His Word.
Season 4
Episode 184
Spanish Ep.163 - Josafat
Jesús dijo que Él vino a darnos vida en abundancia. Pero cuando miramos la palabra vida cuidadosamente, no significa necesariamente una vida materialista, sino una vida espiritual. Y cuando Él es nuestro Rey, y nosotros le obedecemos, pod...
Season 4
Ep.183 - Wives Submit
Many women cringe when they read God's word and discover they need to submit to their husbands. But a look into the topic reveals a few things. First a women who wants to please God will obey Him regardless of their feelings. ...
Season 4
Episode 183
VBV - Romans - Ch 16
Paul ends his letter to the Roman believers with his final greetings.
Season 4
Ep.182 - Higher Calling
One of our responsibilities in our relationship with Jesus is that we are always striving to live with a renewed mind that happens when we are truly born from above or born again in Jesus. Peter reminds us of this and if we really want to...
Season 4
Episode 182
Spanish Ep.162 - Tienes Vida?
Jesús dijo que Él vino a darnos vida en abundancia. Pero cuando miramos la palabra vida cuidadosamente, no significa necesariamente una vida materialista, sino una vida espiritual. Y cuando Él es nuestro Rey, y nosotros le obedecemos, pod...
Season 4
Ep.181 - Pursue These
When Peter understood that he was going be executed for Jesus, he wrote his second letter imploring the believers to take their relationship with Jesus serious and grow strong in Him. He instructs believers to pursue Jesus, adding things ...
Season 4
Episode 181
VBV - Romans - Ch 15
Paul is wrapping up his letter to the Romans with a promise to see them at some point as he knew he was going to Rome, by revelation, to testify to the Emperor.
Season 4
Ep.180 - Jacob's Ladder
Jacob starts out his adult life coercing his brother, Esau, out of his birthright. He then, with the help of his mom, lies to his blind father and receives the blessing of the firstborn. His parents send him away to get a wife from ...
Season 4
Episode 180
VBV - Romans - Ch 14
Every believer should become familiar with Romans 14. It's here that we are taught to be respectful toward other believers who don't share some of our convictions. We focus on Jesus and His love for us and stay in fellowship with th...
Season 4
VBV - Romans - Ch 13
Submitting to the governing authorities as commanded by God is a very good witness. Those who refuse to submit to authority and claim to be Christians are behaving contrary to God's commands and character.
Season 4
Ep.179 - Victory
For the believer, victory is something we can achieve in many areas of our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit. But to get to the victory dance, we need to yield to God and obey Him. This can be difficult for many people for ...
Season 4
Episode 179
Spanish Ep.161 - Nueva Mente
Preparar nuestras mentes para la acción con anticipación ayuda a mantener nuestro carácter y testimonio donde debe estar. Esperar hasta la mitad de la batalla para prepararse deja a un soldado desprevenido y hace que la pelea sea aún más ...
Season 4
Ep.178 - House Cleaning
In the time of Jeremiah the prophet, there was another prophet who was living in Babylon after the Babylonians took Jews captive from Israel a few years earlier. His name was Ezekiel. God showed Ezekiel what the leaders in Jerusalem...
Season 4
Episode 178
VBV - Romans - Ch 12
In Roman's Ch. 12 Paul begins with a call to be renewed in the power of the Holy Spirit. He then goes into what the power of the Holy Spirit looks like regarding the behavior believers are accountable for as the Holy Spirit gives certain ...
Season 4
Ep.177 - Discerning Evil
Believers who want to walk in truth need to understand how evil works so that we can avoid being deceived. The Holy Spirit will reveal evil for what it is if we are willing to yield to Him. The result will be a very interesting look...
Season 4
Episode 177
Ep.176 - Humility
Humility is something most of us can use a lot more of. It's important for the children of God to be humble but it's difficult for many of us. But with the power of the Holy Spirit, we can experience humility and see the power it br...
Season 4
Episode 176
VBV - Romans - Ch 11
Paul concludes his discussion about whether or not God has rejected the nation Israel.
Season 4
Ep.175 - Hate
There a lot of hate in the world. What is the believer's response to hate? Here's my take.
Season 4
Episode 175
VBV - Romans - Ch 10
Paul will now challenge the unbelieving Jews according to their own Scriptures regarding Jesus in an effort to get through to them.
Season 4
Spanish Ep.160 - Ayuda mi Incredulidad
En nuestra relación con Jesús, la fe es esencial. La fe es simplemente confiar en alguien o en algo en lo que has encontrado razones para creer. La fe en Jesús es simplemente confiar en Él y cuando las cosas se ponen difíciles, no necesit...
Season 4
VBV - Romans - Ch 9
In chapter 9 Paul is now coming to the defense of the Jews who were at this time being looked upon as a people whom God was finished with. Now that God was moving through the church and the gospel was bringing a multitude to Him through t...
Season 4