Junkyard Outreach
The Junkyard Outreach offers to listeners a down to earth perspective on the Scriptures with the outcasts of the church in mind. God's love extends to all who are willing to receive it and this effort is simply to share that love through short episodes discussing a variety of topics. For more episodes and info visit Junkyardoutreach.com.
Junkyard Outreach
Ep.188 - Spiritual Stockholm Syndrome
In 1973, in Stockholm Sweden, bank robbers took several hostages in their failed robbery. What emerged from that incident was an understanding that people can become sympathetic to those doing evil and actually support them in their evil. This is referred to as Stockholm Syndrome. In the spiritual world, this is nothing new as the Devil has convinced many to play ball in his court and go along with his rebellion resulting in many deceived people paying a horrible price for their ignorance. But in Christ we are made aware of the Devil's schemes and given the Holy Spirit to combat the Devil's deception. Sadly however, many victims of the Devil's deception sit in pews week after week living as spiritual hostages and don't even realize it. In Christ we are liberated from the Devil's chains and set free from sin. It no longer has power over us but if we are not careful is can still influence us as it sits crouching at our door continually.