Junkyard Outreach
The Junkyard Outreach offers to listeners a down to earth perspective on the Scriptures with the outcasts of the church in mind. God's love extends to all who are willing to receive it and this effort is simply to share that love through short episodes discussing a variety of topics. For more episodes and info visit Junkyardoutreach.com.
Junkyard Outreach
EP.189 - Simplicity in Christ
Believers can sometimes find themselves overwhelmed in their relationship with Jesus when things get complicated and the walls feel like they are closing in. It can feel so complicated that we question if it's even worth it. But the simplicity in Jesus is not overwhelming, nor is it a heavy burden. What makes it overwhelming is our natural tendency to pile on a lot of stuff thinking it's what God wants but in reality it's not from God at all. Getting back to the simplicity of Christ means we can dump a lot of junk and free up a cluttered spiritiual life.